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Are you interested in SPONSORING a scholarship?

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring a scholarship for a graduating senior at a Gilchrist County High School (Trenton High School and Bell High School). 
Scholarships are for $1500; $750 for Fall semester and $750 for Spring semester with verified proof on enrollment. 
Sponsors are asked to give $1000 - the Education Foundation will cover the balance. 
Sponsors can select recipient and present at Award Ceremony. 
Please contact Tiffany Bodiford (352) 949-8552 for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions about Scholarships:

How do I apply? What are the requirements?


If you are a senior at Bell High School or Trenton High School, contact your Guidance Counselor.  Your Guidance Counselor will supply you with an application and will help you to complete it.  Submit it by the deadline (printed on the application).  There are minimum requirements: GPA of 2.5 and 75 community service hours (starting with 2023 graduating class, work hours can be substituted for community service hours).   Depending on the funds available, other factors (test scores, activities, school and community involvement) may be considered.

If you are an adult seeking to continue your education, follow this link - 


When will I know if I have been awarded a scholarship?


Award letters will be presented at your high school's award ceremony held in May.


What do I need to do to receive my payment?


If your award letter states that you are attending Florida Gateway College or Santa Fe College, your scholarship will be awarded through that school.

If you are attending another school or institution, or if you decided to attend Florida Gateway College or Santa Fe College after you were issued your award letter, please read the following:

You must be enrolled as a full time student, based on the requirements of your school, each semester that you receive scholarship funds.  Please be aware that your scholarship will be void as of June 1st following the year you graduate (Example 2024-2025 deadline is June 1, 2026).  You will be unable to receive any unused portion of your scholarship after that date.

Please submit proof of enrollment* for either the fall or spring semester AFTER drop/add day for that semester   Your payments of $750 (per semester) will be issued and mailed to you.  You may submit proof of enrollment* anytime after drop/add date, but before June 1st.   As of June 1, your scholarship will be void.

 * Proof of enrollment must include: DATE PRINTED, student name, school name, semester (fall or spring) and hours/classes enrolled.


Where do I submit proof of my enrollment?

Please send Proof of Enrollment to:
The Education Foundation of Gilchrist County, Inc
P.O. Box 1816, Trenton, Florida 32693
email to:

**Please include your name, mailing address and phone number**


What do I need to submit as proof of enrollment?


The best proof is a letter from the registrar of your school.  We will also accept a print out from your school's website as long as it clearly states the following: date printed, student name, school name, semester and hours/classes enrolled.  These items must be present and cannot be added by you after printing.


When will I receive my payment?


If you attend Florida Gateway College or (in some cases, please refer to your award letter) Santa Fe College, your payment will go directly into your account at that College.  Otherwise, payment will not be released until proof is submitted and your enrollment is verified.  


What is this Foundation's relationship with Florida Gateway College and Santa Fe College? Why is my scholarship handled differently if I attend Florida Gateway College or Santa Fe College?


The Education Foundation of Gilchrist County works with the Foundations at Florida Gateway College and Santa Fe College.  This working relationship allows us to fund more scholarships and help more students.  Therefore, if you attend one of these schools, your award may be filtered through your account at that school.


What do I do if I am not attending full time?


Full time enrollment is a requirement of this scholarship.  However, there are different reasons that a student decides not to attend full time.  If you feel your circumstances should be considered by the board, submit a letter explaining your situation and it will be presented at the next board meeting.


I have another question that is not listed here.  Who can I contact?


Please contact Tiffany Bodiford (352) 949-8552 or email

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